How to share ChooseIt Maker activities

Chris Thornton

Last Update a month ago

How do I share an activity in ChooseIt Maker?

To share an activity, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the activity you want to share in your ChooseIt Maker account.
  2. Click the options (...) next to the activity.
  3. Select "Share" from the menu.
  4. A redeem code will be generated. Send this code to your colleague, parent, or anyone you want to share it with.
How does someone use the redeem code?
The recipient can use the redeem code to download the activity directly into their own ChooseIt Maker account or in the ChooseIt Maker Player App on their iPad. They’ll enter the code in their account to access the shared activity.

Download the FREE ChooseIt Maker Player App for iPad: 

What if I want to stop sharing an activity?
If you no longer want an activity to be shared, click "Unshare" in the options menu. This will disable the existing redeem code.
Can I share the activity again after unsharing?
Yes! Simply click "Generate redeem code" in the options menu if you’d like to share the activity again. A new code will be generated, which you can send to the recipient.

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