ChooseIt Maker

Chris Thornton

Last Update a month ago

Can I access ChooseIt! Maker for free?

Sign up for a 2 week free trial to ChooseIt Maker and begin creating and playing multiple choice curriculum activities that can be personalised for your student. You can also download the free ChooseIt Maker Player iPad App and download activities (via redeem codes) for use offline.
Can I download my created activities onto my computer?

Activities created in ChooseIt Maker cannot be downloaded locally onto your computer. They can however be downloaded locally for use offline on your iPad using the free ChooseIt Maker Player App.

How do I create activities?

Within ChooseIt! Maker click “Create Activity” on the main title screen. You will be presented with a modal that will guide you through the process of creating your first activity. Options will include an activity title, number of pages within the activity, number of cells per page, whether the activity should have a header, if cells should be positioned fixed or in random positions, if the activity should utilise text to speech, colour and themes, and more.

How do I share activities?

Once you have created an activity, select the activity that you wish to share and then click the "..." and then “share”. 

This will generate a share code that is unique to this activity. This code can be sent to family member, friends or colleagues. If they have a ChooseIt Maker subscription or the free iPad Player App, the simply click “Redeem Share Code” and enter the redeem code you have given to them.

Please make sure you are happy sharing your activity as you cannot remove the activity from other people’s devices once they have downloaded the activity.

How do I un-share activities?

Select the activity you have shared and click the "..." and then “Unshare”. This will instantly void the unique share code. Please note it will not remove the activity from devices that have already downloaded it.

How do I download an activity using a redeem code?

In the free ChooseIt Maker Player App or within ChooseIt Maker online, click “Redeem Share Code”. Enter the code you have been provided and then select the folder destination you wish to place the activity. Done.

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