Games and Activities

Chris Thornton

Last Update a month ago

Can I play Games & Activities for FREE?

Yes, you can sign up for a 2 week free trial and access over 300+ accessible Games and Activities that are categorised by learning objective and milestones.

Can Games & Activities be accessed via different access devices?

Absolutely. Games & Activities can be played using mouse and keyboard, one or two switch access, eye gaze and eye tracking technology, touch screens including iPad and more. For more details of what access devices are supported please visit:

Can I download the Games & Activities onto my computer?

No. Games & Activities cannot be downloaded onto your computer. They can only be played online via the HelpKidzLearn website via the Hub.

Can I play Games and Activities on an iPad?

HelpKidzLearn Games & Activities purchased and accessed through a subscription can be accessible online via an internet connection using the device's browser e.g. Safari or Chrome.

Alternatively, customers can purchase and download the HelpKidzLearn iPad Apps and use them offline on an iPad. For more information about iPad Apps available from HelpKidzLearn please visit:

Can I play Games and Activities on a Windows or Android tablet?

We try our best to support most devices and browsers. But due to the sheer number we cannot promise that all devices are supported. For more information about minimum browser requirements, please visit:

I have subscribed but the Hub states that I need to upgrade!

If you have purchased a subscription and the products in the Hub display an "upgrade" button, it is likely that you are logged into the Admin Payee account and not the Student account required to access and play the activities.

Please ensure that you are signing into HelpKidzLearn Hub using the Student Access Details (username and password) you created during the checkout process for your students. Logging in using your Payee Account Details (email address and password) only gives you access to the Admin Payee Account which contains all your account details.

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