Suspended Account

Chris Thornton

Last Update a month ago

We understand that having a suspended account can be frustrating. This FAQ page aims to answer common questions and help you regain access quickly.

Why might my HelpKidzLearn account be suspended?

There are two main reasons your account might be suspended:

  1. License Payment: Your license for HelpKidzLearn products may not be paid for currently. This could be due to a missing purchase order (PO) or an incomplete payment process.
  2. Account Discrepancies: We may have identified some discrepancies with your account information that require clarification.
How can I resolve the suspension?

For all Customers (Except UK):

Please contact your local HelpKidzLearn reseller. They can help you verify your purchase order or address any account discrepancies. You can find contact details for your local reseller here:

For UK Customers Only:

In addition to contacting your local reseller, you can also reach out to our UK support team directly:

  • Chat: If you prefer to speak with someone in real-time, access our chat support request to speak to a human (i.e. not a Molly our AI Support).
  • Contact Form: If you prefer to submit a detailed request, complete the contact form -
What happens after I contact someone?
Once you contact your local reseller or our UK support team, they will work with you to:
  • Verify your purchase order or payment status.
  • Address any account discrepancies.
  • Once resolved, they will initiate the process of reinstating your account access.
Additional Information
We recommend including your account details (name, organisation, order or licence number and username etc.) when contacting your reseller or our UK support team. This will help expedite the resolution process.

If you have any questions not addressed here, please email [email protected] or complete our contact form and we will be in touch asap!

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