Licence Types and Acceptable Use

Chris Thornton

Last Update 2 months ago

2 Week Free Trial

A 2 Week Free Trial licence allows a parent, teacher, therapist, or caregiver to subscribe to and use a licence with one learner concurrently at any given time, free of charge for 2 weeks.

Home Access

A Home Access licence (subscription) allows a parent, teacher, therapist, or caregiver to subscribe to and use a licence with one learner concurrently at any given time, for 1 month.

1 User - OneSchool

A 1 User licence (subscription) allows a parent, teacher, therapist, or caregiver to subscribe to and use a licence with one learner concurrently at any given time, for 12 months.

5 User - OneSchool

A 5 user licence (subscription) allows a teacher or therapist to subscribe to and use a licence with up to five machines and concurrent user logins within one school or geographical location at any given time, for 12 months.

Please note:

If you would like to use a 5 user licence in more than one school or geographical location at any given time, then you should purchase licences for each school or geographical location. Please select the district licence and enquire to discuss options.

Site - OneSchool

A site licence (subscription) allows a teacher or therapist to subscribe to and use a licence with multiple machines and concurrent user logins within one school or geographical location at any given time, for 12 months.

Please note:

If you would like to use a site licence in more than one school/geographical location at any given time, then you should purchase licences for each school/geographical location. Please select the district licence and enquire to discuss options.


A district subscription is a bepoke order that caters to multiple schools or locations and needs to be tailored to meet each district's unique needs. Please enquire to discuss district licensing (subscription) options.

User Access Details

Regardless of whether you've purchased a 2 Weeks Free Trial, 1 User, 5 User, or Site License, each license can be assigned a single username and password that must be shared among staff or caregivers. Additional usernames or passwords cannot be created per licence type.

Please be careful who you share the access details (username and password) with as these should be private to your school or establishment.

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