Licence options

Chris Thornton

Last Update 13 days ago

2 Week Free Trial

A 2 Week Free Trial licence allows a parent/teacher/therapist to subscribe to and use a licence with one learner at any given time, free of charge for a period of 2 weeks.

Home Access

A home access licence allows a parent/teacher/therapist to subscribe to and use a licence with one learner at any given time, for a period of 1 month.

1 User - OneSchool

A 1 user licence allows a parent/teacher/therapist to subscribe to and use a licence with one learner at any given time, for a period of 12 months.

5 User - OneSchool

A 5 user licence allows a teacher/therapist to subscribe to and use a licence with up to five machines and concurrent user logins within one school/geographical location at any given time, for a period of 12 months.

Please note:

If you would like to use a 5 user licence in more than one school/geographical location at any given time, then you should purchase licences for each school/geographical location. Please select the district licence and enquire to discuss options.

Site - OneSchool

A site licence allows a teacher/therapist to subscribe to and use a licence with multiple machines and concurrent user logins within one school/geographical location at any given time, for a period of 12 months.

Please note:

If you would like to use a site licence in more than one school/geographical location at any given time, then you should purchase licences for each school/geographical location. Please select the district licence and enquire to discuss options.


A district licence caters to multiple schools/locations and needs to be tailored to meet each district's unique needs. Please enquire to discuss district licensing options.

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