Purchase a subscription

Chris Thornton

Last Update 3 days ago

How do I purchase a Subscription?
  1. Visit the desired product page e.g. Games & Activities
  2. Choose Licence type
  3. Click ADD TO CART
  4. Click Checkout on the 'Added to Cart' dialogue
  5. In 'Checkout' (Cart)
  6. Sign In or Create an Account
    • Sign In if you have an existing HelpKidzLearn Payee Account
    • Create an Account if you are new to HelpKidzLearn
      • Enter Invoice, Billing, and Payee Login Details (email address and password)
  7. Choose your preferred Payment Method
    • Credit Card
    • Purchase Order / Invoice
    • Quote
    • PayPal
  8. Agree Terms and Confirm Order / Make Payment
  9. Payee Account
    • New customers will be asked to login to their Payee Account
    • Existing customers will be automatically navigated to their Payee Account
  10. Create Student Access Details for your new licence(s)  
How can I purchase a District Subscription?
  1. Visit the desired product page e.g. Games & Activities
  2. Choose Licence type
  3. Click ADD TO CART
  4. Click Checkout on the 'Added to Cart' dialogue
  5. In 'Checkout' (Cart)
    • Increase QTY of Subscriptions
    • Click Checkout
  6. Sign In or Create an Account
    • Sign In if you have an existing HelpKidzLearn Payee Account
    • Create an Account if you are new to HelpKidzLearn
      • Enter Invoice, Billing, and Payee Login Details (email address and password)
  7. Choose your preferred Payment Method
    • Credit Card
    • Purchase Order / Invoice
    • Quote
    • PayPal
  8. Agree Terms and Confirm Order / Make Payment
  9. Payee Account
    • New customers will be asked to login to their Payee Account
    • Existing customers will be automatically navigated to their Payee Account
  10. Create Student Access Details for your new licence(s)

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