Manually renew your Subscription

Chris Thornton

Last Update 3 months ago

To renew your Subscription and Licence(s) manually, log in to HelpKidzLearn using your Payee Account email address and password:

Enter your login details:

Forgot your password? You can perform a password reset here:

Once in your Payee Account visit My Account and under Expired Subscriptions, you will see a list of subscriptions due for renewal. Click Renew and proceed through the checkout process.

If you experience any issues, please contact [email protected]

Renewal timings

Annual licences

Subscriptions purchased annually can be manually renewed within a 30-day window of your renewal date. If you wish to renew earlier, ask to speak to a human via our chat support (i.e. not Molly our AI Support), or complete our contact form and request an early renewal:

For all Customers (Except UK):

Contact your local HelpKidzLearn reseller and they will assist you with the early renewal of your subscription:

Monthly licences

We appreciate that you are unlikely to renew a monthly subscription early. However, subscriptions purchased monthly can be renewed manually within a 7-day window of your renewal date. 

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