HelpKidzLearn iPad Apps

Chris Thornton

Last Update 5 months ago

Are HelpKidzLearn iPad apps included in my subscription?

No, HelpKidzLearn iPad apps are not included in the price of a subscription. They are available for separate purchases via the Apple App Store.

How can I purchase HelpKidzLearn iPad apps?

Search for "HelpKidzLearn" or "Inclusive Technology" in the Apple App Store and select the desired app. You can then purchase it using your Apple ID.

Alternatively you can visit our Apps page on the HelpKidzLearn website and read about the various iPad Apps we have created and their included methods of access, including switch access for students with fine motor difficulties.

Does HelpKidzLearn offer free iPad Apps?

Yes, HelpKidzLearn has created over 60+ iPad Apps and a number of those are free to download from the Apple Apple Store.

Our Free iPad Apps include:

  • Finger Paint with Sounds
  • ChooseIt Maker Player
  • Sensory Room

For more information visit:

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