Understanding Subscriptions

Chris Thornton

Last Update 5 months ago

HelpKidzLearn offers a variety of products designed to meet the diverse needs of learners. Each product is a separate subscription with its own unique features and benefits. You can find a complete overview of our products here:

This FAQ page aims to clarify how subscriptions work on HelpKidzLearn.

Are all HelpKidzLearn products included in one subscription?

No. Each HelpKidzLearn product, such as Games & Activities, ChooseIt Maker, or Inclusive Stories, is a separate subscription. This allows you to choose the product that best suits the specific needs of your students', and your budget.

Can I subscribe to multiple HelpKidzLearn products?

Absolutely! You can subscribe to as many HelpKidzLearn products as you require. This allows you to create a customized learning environment for your students or child.

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